Sunday, June 21, 2009

Old Habits die Hard.

There is very little point of making another post about changing my ways saying I will post more, because I probably won't but I will try. Its been awful long time since the first video, but there are two more coming, its gonna be the second best series of movies of all time just behind the Emmanuelle movies and just before Star Wars.

This whole looking for a talent thing, well in the past couple of months I did my first stand up , which went mostly well I think and started on a long road on radio, which is an awful lot of fun. Sure does beat working. However this is turning into an actual blog so let me move away from this and just say that for does who care there will be more videos coming.

So what shall we talk about now? Well meeting girls of course.

Seems to me that I'm come across a great way of , dare I say, chatting a lady up. This is by asking simply 'Whats your favorite movie?'.

Now I'm not great with women. I do alright but to quote a friend 'Andy is a midfielder, not a striker or defender', if I do fancy a young lady, i struggle to think of an 'in'. However if low confidence and social awkwardness is my Berlin Wall well then 'Whats your favorite movie?' is my David Hasselhoff.

The key to 'Whats your favorite movie?' is 85% of the time people want to talk about something they love. Just last night a young lady spent a while discussing her favorite scenes from Cool runnings. It also is a great time saver because if when asked about mine and I say "Empire fo' so' " and they reply with 'I hate star wars' I can simply go back to my pint, pretty much a first date in five seconds.

Of course the end goal will always be to find one of these answers 'Empire' 'High Fidelity' 'Jurrasic Park' or 'Im too busy to watch movies, what with running the international fan club for short indie boys who attempt to be funny'. So if I do happen to drunkenly stumble up to you in a bar and ask 'Whats your favorite movie?' and you happen to give one of these answers in my head we will be running towards each other in a corn field while this song plays in my head

Thank you

Much love to your peeps


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